SHORT distance commuting by bicycle is becoming a necessity for an increasing number of workers unable to afford fuel for their vehicles.

Let’s look at the level of encouragement available from our local authorities to make this possible: n Minimum number of urban routes incorporating dedicated cycle lanes.

• A policy of road-sweeping the “riding lines” once every 2 months only.

• A police force that has no power to fine double-yellow line parking which exposes cyclists to unnecessary hazards.

• A conspicuous absence of traffic-wardens in areas most influencing cycle-related hazards.

No doubt, the councils will plead poverty in this economic climate for the first two points raised above.

I have been commuting by bike through glass and nail-infested roads for nearly 10 years and this has been the case for a considerable pre-credit crunch period and it really does reflect the lack of interest in these circles to cycling.

Failure to address these basic cycling necessities will result in increasing cycling casualties as the number of constituents forced to pedal to work rises dramatically.

Health issues are not directly payable from council coffers and therefore they are able to justify the Not On Our Budget attitude.

Has the above demoralised you and put you off commuting by bicycle? If it hasn’t then rest assured that two weeks of actually doing it will. Demand pro-cycling action from your local authorities.