I’M a member of the Dolphin swimming pool and have been a regular attendee for many years. I was horrified to see the ‘folly’ that has been erected. I can’t believe members were not consulted with regard to the plans. Were the people responsible too ashamed to mention they were about to waste £100,000 on an impractical concrete appliance?

The argument for shortening the pool is as illogical as cutting off a limb to lose weight. Ropes have always sufficed in sectioning off the pool for events and lessons.

Apparently the lifeguards have to inflate and move the monstrosity each day for water circulation, a heavy and tiresome task. For many disabled and frail people, swimming is the only exercise available to them. Many people who swim do so on their Doctors advice.

People may be recovering from strokes and need to be with carers for their own safety. The shallow end is now not shallow, reaching the chest of the average adult.

Also, the holes in the boom are too small for the hoist and need to be redone, more expense.

The boom was apparently made in America, which is supposed to justify the cost. The cost that is far more than just financial.

JESSICA VOGEL, Doulton Gardens, Poole