I have taken on occasion of late to visiting Poole by bus in the mornings.

The sight and state of Poole Bus Station beggars belief.

Aside from the fact that it seems to resemble a bus station in Berlin I once visited in 1968, but without the character, the rudeness & disregard for the law of people there are staggering.

"No smoking" signs abound, yet so do smokers, including many schoolchildren in uniform, who also cadge cigarettes or ask adults to buy them from the newsagents. People spit, others drop rubbish while.

Some congregate in rather menacing crowds. In short, the area is deserving of an ASBO.

If bus station staff are too lily-livered to enforce the smoking ban and encourage these youths to better behaviour, perhaps Dorset Police, sited nary half a mile away, could send an officer to patrol occasionally? I doubt it.

Brig J P Blaireau, Stourwood Manor, Southbourne