I read an article regarding a supermarket’s TV advert, which showed a small boy pinning a Christmas stocking to his dog’s kennel.

Apparently, over 1,000 people, presumably all dog lovers and owners, complained bitterly that the boy had abandoned the dog to the mercy of the elements. Such was the outcry the advert was subsequently withdrawn by the supermarket. Looking back in history, I couldn’t find a single example of such a small minority, having the power to change the decisions of the rich and powerful. In recent history, even the miners in their tens of thousands stood little chance in swaying the decisions of 1980s bureaucrats.

It could be that the particular supermarket in question simply didn’t want to lose the dog lovers’ custom, but I prefer to think of it as a sign of our times and find it refreshing when the minority, has as much to say as the majority. If only it was as easy to rid our screens of Wagner.

Tony Vangellis, Bowden Road, Poole