Last week Poole council announced it was to withdraw the subsidy for hot meals for the vulnerable residents of the town.

Yet again I question what they are up to.

They are prepared to spend money on surveys for a pyramid sculpture in Baiter, concrete blocks with lights in Penn Hill and trying to get Branksome Recreation Ground built on as a football stadium (against the policy of their own planning department).

Yet services for needy people are not important enough.

Now more money is being wasted, as the council is the only objector to an application to register Brank-some Rec as a town green.

I believe that there is an agenda here. The council does not want any recreation ground in Poole to be safeguarded as they want to be able to build on them (one or all) in the future!

The recreation grounds have been used for generations and they need to be safeguarded for future generations.

C Black, Rempstone Road, Wimborne