I am dismayed that those responsible for the future of our town can see no further than to saturate the area with more restaurants and cafes when those we have already are experiencing trading difficulties (A vision of the future, Daily Echo, September 28).

No fewer than seven of the 10 sites for “radical” development are set to include more catering establishments which, if they were ever built, would only further dilute existing trade.

Tourists are not attracted to a resort by the number of chain restaurants or bars.

Recent surveys show seaside towns to be the most vulnerable to business bankruptcies.

It is a long winter with little income.

Long gone are the days when summer excess provided for the winter months, especially when those summer profits disappear out of the town to the head offices of the national chains.

There is nothing in these proposed plans that is new or “radical”.

The only people to get excited about them would be the planners and the builders.

Geoff Cooper, St Albans Avenue, Bournemouth