How wrong can you be? Your correspondent writes: “The town is not a leading resort any more” (Have Your Say, September 23).

Yesterday evening I was in Birmingham and had the privilege of accepting, on behalf of Bournemouth, the prestigious Group Leisure Award for the Best UK Resort.

This is the third year running the town has received the award.

Your correspondent also comments, as have others, on the litter and other aspects of the night time economy. I would point out that 10 days ago Bournemouth won a Purple Flag. This is the Gold Standard Award for the way a town runs its night time economy.

The award has been developed in conjunction with a number of organisations including the Police and Keep Britain Tidy. We are the first resort to have won the award and so are the first resort to hold Purple, Blue and Green Flags simultaneously.

Come on whoever you are, stop knocking the town. Bournemouth is THE leading UK Resort!

Cllr Rod Cooper, portfolio holder for economy, leisure & tourism