I WAS very disappointed to read the Echo’s headlines on September 8 regarding two senior Bournemouth councillors calling Bournemouth town centre a pigsty!

These comments by two central ward members is an absolute disgrace! To generalise and to say that nobody “is proud of Bournemouth any more” really is unbelievable, especially coming from a former leader who on his own has brought more disgrace and disrespect to our town than I can remember!

This negative outburst also shows a lack of respect to the residents of the town, the visitors, the staff who work day in and day out keeping Bournemouth tidy, which isn’t an easy task, and indeed the Licensing Board who look at each application for a licence on their own individual merits and encourage all businesses to keep the outside of their premises clean and tidy.

The irony of the comments by Cllr David Smith and Cllr Macloughlin is that the town centre is part of their own ward – what have they been doing? Perhaps they are “out of touch” rather than “in touch” with their area?

I for one am very proud of my town and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else in England.

Cllr ANNE REY, leader of the Independents