I AM writing in response to the front page story about the Branksome Rec plan being rejected (Daily Echo, December 3).

May I, in the first instance refer my first comment to Cllr Eades?

When the present facilities start to fall down and crumble the council will turn round and say: “Sorry, can’t afford to rebuild. You had your chance”.

Now my second gripe is to all those who rejected the chance of some up-to-date facilities.

Where is the heathland that you said would be affected? As I recall the nearest heathland is across the road behind the gas meters.

Why can’t Poole Town FC have their pitch back at Poole Stadium which was, as I recall, given to Poole by Lady Wimborne?

They have adequate parking facilities, and a club house that would bring in funds.

Failing that, why not spend the £1m on facilities at Tatnam so that they can progress? You do not see people from Tatnam Road complaining when there is a football match.

MR R B SHAW, Address Supplied, Poole