In reply to the article headed Locking gates for safety (Daily Echo, November 17), I cannot understand why there is all this controversy over the pedestrian rail crossing at Wareham.

I mean, why should the majority be made to suffer because of the brainless actions of a few selfish and inconsiderate people who really should know better?

If they have a death wish then so be it, but as a lifeline, especially for the elderly, this crossing needs to be kept open.

If the camera is working correctly, then surely a close-up could be viewed and these stupid people located and issued with a hefty fine, because if they were injured or killed even, then it’s the good old taxpayers again who end up footing the bill for hospital treatment or to have the mess cleaned up afterwards.

Although if the locking gate solution is given the go ahead I will certainly be applying for the position of manning them, as with estimated manning costs of between £65,000 and £120,000 I think that this is a very fair wage indeed!

J Whitehead, High Street, Swanage