I HEAR in the news and read in the Daily Echo of the protests at the possible closure of the Mudeford Community Centre.

May I add my protest to any possible closure and ask where the council arrived at a figure of £75,000 per year to run the centre – out of the air?

I think it is rather exaggerated!

Against this cost – may I question the costs involved in the Gundimore dinghy parking area, and the additional runway being provided, when there never seemed to be a problem in the past, especially in view of the few times it was needed.

I am not the only one to question the need. Let’s have some sensible budgeting on behalf of our residents and not schemes such as Gundimore to boost council egos in the name of the 2012 Olympics, which are not really relevant to our area of the coast.

I can think of a few cheaper maintenance jobs in the area which, despite several mentions, have never been attended to.