Regarding the many column inches devoted to the various issues centred in and around Boscombe, it is my pleasure to announce that the next meeting of the Boscombe Area Forum scheduled for the evening of Thursday December 3 (venue to be confirmed) will take the form of a local Question Time.

A panel of prominent people including the chief executive of Bournemouth Borough Council have agreed to take part in a debate focusing on three main issues: the Boscombe Surf Reef, Shelley Manor and Bournemouth Centre for Community Arts.

It is intended that members of the public will be able to ask questions, enter into debate and help develop a clear vision and common purpose for the future of Boscombe. Everyone is welcome but it would help the smooth running of the evening if people coming along could prepare their questions in advance.

For more information about this event your readers can log onto Boscombe Area Forum on Facebook or call Steve Humphry on 01202 256691.

Gary Sherborne, Grosvenor Gardens, Boscombe