I think most of us would be horrified to bear witness to bullying by a large group on a sole individual.

Yet that is what we were presented with in Inquisition Time on the BBC last Thursday.

I don’t think Nick Griffin was able to finish a single statement before he was again and again interrupted and cut off, most often in a hail of personal abuse ranging from “slimy and obnoxious” to “fascist and murderous”.

Interesting, I thought, that those who condemn racial prejudice do so by way of the self-same hatred, prejudice and abuse.

And behind all this is the immeasurable brutality of British slavery over three centuries – this returning vast wealth to great houses and families in England.

So while British middle class sensibility howls “holocaust” at Nick Griffin, and charges him with fascism and racism, perhaps the self-same objectors would like to reflect that British imperialism threw into slavery, and worked to death, worldwide, at least as many “inferior people” as the German fascists managed in World War Two.

Nick Griffin last Friday took the flak for a great deal of hypocrisy, and fear, and denial, of the dark side of our history, and ourselves.

Jeff Williams, Jubilee Road, Poole