It seems like most days now I open the Echo to find yet another council plotting to ban dogs from this area, that area and so on.

Let’s take my stroll in Poole Park today. I did not see one dog poo.

I did however find bird poo – gosh, how awful in a park with lakes where we have birds, eh?

I also admired the food waste that was everywhere – seagulls probably because I’m sure everyone uses the bins, don’t they?

I didn’t find any used syringes today, but I have done several times, picked them up with gloves on and then later disposed of them correctly. Soiled nappies? Best found on the beach, along with left over sandwiches etc.

So, you don’t want to tread in my dog’s poo? Well I don’t want my dog to roll in your child’s poo either.

Its give and take really, isn’t it?

Jackie Critchley, Legion Close, Poole