Returning from a meeting at Poole council, I marvel again at the pleasure of being in that part of the conurbation, rather than Bournemouth.

Councillors seem to know their job and can look beyond the next election, staff are welcoming. Buildings, both new and old, are well co-ordinated and there is a recognisable strategy for the people, be they citizens, visitors or just the beloved cyclist. All seems to be in place. Even the fireworks are better.

Meanwhile dear old Bournemouth, once the jewel of the South, once the upstart, is just becoming a sad and wrinkled senior citizen.

For the past 25 years living here I have witnessed the closing of facilities for young and old and the general selling out to developers – for pathetic returns.

We have increasingly fragmented public transport, tired floral displays living on previous reputations, a municipal engineer designed and signed main spur road entry into town which looks (and smells) more like a refuse depot.

The heritage of beach and forest was here long before us.

Our predecessors worked hard at the planting and the style. They did us proud.

The town doesn’t need to dumb down. Look west.

PETER DOWSETT, architect, Gervis Road, Bournemouth