MICHAEL Roberts-Butler (Echo, July 22) seems confused that global warming isn’t benefiting our local climate for the advantage of stay-at-home tourism.

In fact climate chaos is indeed going to throw up a lot of strange weather. How wonderful it would be if our green-speak government would match actions to rhetoric and invest in Vestas on the Isle of Wight, where 600 people are about to lose their jobs.

This is one of the very few climate-helpful industries in the UK, now being allowed to export itself to the US and China, where demand for windpower is strong.

Perhaps our super-politicians, while they’re getting their Apollo scheme for Carbon Defeat up and running, would like to take a giant leap for mankind, pull their underpants over their tights and collectively fly into the ether, puffing out those greenhouse gases.

SUSAN CHAPMAN, Parkwood Road, Southbourne