Please can Bournemouth airport re-examine some issues before they drive people away...

1. Why are airlines (ie Thompsonfly) now flying into Bournemouth in the early hours?

At 3am does this not a) create noise and b) leave passengers at a loss as transportation from the airport will be minimal and expensive.

2. Why the 10 minutes free and then £2 car park charge... and of course because of building work you have to use the car park and not drop off.

3. Despite online check-in, the situation is worse. On Sunday I arrived at 8.27am to drop off my girlfriend – it was 9.20am when she went through to security and had to go straight to the plane. Parking was £2.40 and the machine swallowed the ticket so it was back into the building to get a new one (the staff were very helpful).

Heaven help us with Ryanair’s ideas of passengers carrying their own luggage to the plane... and yes there were a few passengers upset by Ryanair’s policies on ID etc.

I love my local airport but all the improvement work may be in vain if people decide to go elsewhere.

PETER HYDE, Chatsworth Road, Bournemouth