I would like to thank you for highlighting the issue regarding the proposed site for travellers in Cambridge Road (Daily Echo, June 16).

I was absolutely astounded, not because it is for travellers, nor because it is in Cambridge Road, but because it is in the town centre and next to a children’s play area and Bournemouth Gardens.

Bournemouth has a hard earned and well deserved excellent reputation both with local people and tourists, of which the people of Bournemouth are proud.

The idea that anywhere close to the centre could be considered for such a thing is completely ludicrous and could permanently damage the tourist and town centre economy for years to come.

I am sure all your readers are fully aware of the problems and negative reputation of some travellers – not all – for fly tipping, litter, noise, dogs barking or fouling pavements, graffiti, increased crime rates, neighbourhood disputes, and begging.

I have never written to a newspaper before, but such is my frustration at this ill thought out proposal, that I had to put pen to paper to ask you, with local interests at heart to cover this article widely in The Echo and on your website to ensure that local residents’ issues are considered and reported and not just certain councillors’ points of view.

I want to see local people mobilise to demonstrate by letter, email, or telephone to local authorities and councillors clearly stating they will not vote for any councillor, party or MP who supports this proposal.

This is frankly one step too far – not by the travellers but by the locally elected representatives of the residents of Bournemouth.

It appears that councillors are putting travellers in front of the local people who elected them and who will ultimately end up paying for this ridiculous situation.

Robert Morrow, address supplied