I’M putting out a plea, as follows: this is designed for all your readers to hopefully avoid the following this summer and in all future summers.

Yes, we are at that time of the year again, or coming very close to it!

If you have a garden pond, please make it safe to avoid any vulnerable youngsters who might have access to it, from falling into the pond and drowning.

Every year I hear of such cases – “toddler drowns in garden pond” etc, and my heart sinks.

Make sure your name and maybe your toddler’s name doesn’t come to be associated with such headlines as this.

Another one to avoid is “dog dies in overheated car”.

This happens when dogs are locked in while owners go shopping etc.

Again, don’t be associated with this.

Such cases almost make me weep when I hear of them, far too often, annually.

SHIRLEY PECKHAM, Vincent Road, New Milton