The latest news that all cigarettes are to be removed from display to be under-the-counter sales just confuses me.

It is all done to protect our young. As a smoker, who enjoys smoking and will continue to do so, I feel greatly wronged over these new proposals.

I will not be able to see the prices and look for better deals. I will not be able to see new brands coming out. I will be made to feel like a pervert requesting porn or drugs via the back door, and at any price.

This is an infringement of my liberty. After all, smoking tobacco is not illegal.

Yet I feel the angry smoking lobby will not refrain until is finally so.

This slow banning move will only force more of us smokers in this country to real under-the-counter deals. I speak of imported smuggled tobacco rings, of which there are many up and down the country.

Even young kids will have far more access there.

Christine Peters, Knyveton Road, Bournemouth