It was just as well that Melanie Vass (Daily Echo, December 3) asked for views on the Stour Valley (West Parley Phase 3) sand and gravel pit scheme.

I could not believe what I read on the Dorset Minerals and Waste Planning site.

Prior to the article in your paper, we had no knowledge of the consultation which has actually been in place since October!

Thanks to the Echo, we have submitted a comment on the discussion paper website (Dorset County Council) and have also written to them, enclosing photographs of the site after the River Stour has flooded.

This happens several times a year. We have highlighted the obvious impact on the site which is an ancient water meadow.

At present, deer regularly graze on the proposed site. Last March, hares could be seen boxing there. The landscape character would be entirely destroyed. Because of the proposed infilling, the landscape impact would be long lasting.

There would be an increased risk of flooding both downstream in Christchurch and on the south bank of the river where a path has been laid for disabled access. The Stour Valley Way is of key importance as a public space for recreation for us all. It is part of the present vital green spaces in Bournemouth.

Adele Evans, Granby Road, Muscliff