WE are now into the ten years’ ‘celebration’ of the ‘smoking ban’ within all public buildings such as pubs, restaurants, transport and even bus shelters.

Not only that, but the hostility and isolation towards smokers has increased vastly over the last 10 years: such a stupid high-rise in tax and purchasing restrictions that include constraining view of cigarette sales at the kiosk, making all packages look the same so many do not even recognise the brand they are selling or purchasing.

Not permitting smokers to purchase tobacco in lower amounts but encouraging them to daily smoke a regulated increase.

This ‘hate-lobby’ towards smokers from our government (of whom I might add make a fortune in taxes via the increasing rallying ‘hatred’ from many non-smoking lobbies or people), now even protest much the same when heavily addicted smokers attempt to move to vaporising instead.

Prior to the ‘smoking ban’ in 2007, it was often my pleasure to purchase a local paper and enjoy reading it in my favourite drinking venue over a nice cold drink and a cigarette or two. Since the ban, I have given up going to my pub.

As an avid smoker who enjoys it so much, I now have to cut down on all other home costs like electricity and even food due to the forever rising costs of my pleasure.

Also, because I am a smoker and not worthy of any medical assistance whatsoever, I do not visit my GP, agree to any appointments with the hospitals around me that they keep on making.

So in fairness to all the taxes I am daily paying and not demanding so much, please just leave me alone to enjoy what I still consider, my choice and refrain from making any more demanded restrictions upon me.


Wellington Road, Bournemouth

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