FOR those of us appalled at Poole Council’s closure of public toilets the way they have dealt with the travellers who set up an unauthorised camp in Poole Park may show us a way forward.

The Echo reported that the council very quickly arranged for a skip and toilets to be delivered to the site in order to minimise the environmental impact.

Put in more straightforward terms to avoid travellers going to the toilet in the bushes.

At the same time residents and tourists visiting Baiter find that the public toilets there have been closed. So what can be done?

How about arranging for a large group of residents and visitors to gather at Baiter and en masse then go into the nearby bushes and threaten to go to the toilet there?

Obviously the Director of Poole Tourism and the councillors with responsibility for toilets and for travellers would be asked to come along to see what is happening.

Maybe given the way councils appear to need experts to assist them we could have a medical expert along to inform the councillors that the bowels and toilet needs of travellers are actually the same as it is for the rest of us.

As the environmental impact of people going to the toilet will be the same at Baiter as it is in Poole Park this should lead to the council delivering toilets to Baiter.

If it is good enough for the travellers surely the council can’t say it is not so for residents and tourists?

As residents and tourists go to Baiter every day of the year the toilets delivered will need to stay and be emptied regularly.

Once the effort involved in doing this sinks in someone in the council may have a eureka moment and say this is crazy when we already have a toilet block at Baiter... open it up for our residents and visitors.

John Revell

Springdale Road

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