SO 63 per cent of 459 ‘specially selected’ and so called ‘statistically valid’ residents in Christchurch voted for a Bournemouth/Poole takeover?

This means that only 289 households are determining the future of the ancient borough.

What about the other 50,000 residents?

Why are those who are supposed to represent us not taking notice of the other 1446 residents in Christchurch who took the trouble to send in their voting/questionnaires and who voted with a majority for Christchurch to remain independent?

We are told those 459 residents were specially targeted. Why was that?

And who were these specially invited people who were asked to attended focus groups about the reorganisation and paid £30 each for attending?

The reason the 289 may have voted to go in with Bournemouth I suspect has something to do with the way the questionnaire was set out as it did not list Option 1 which was to remain independent and only highlighted the other options for two super councils.

It was only after public meetings in Christchurch when it was explained how residents could vote for Option 1 that people found out that there was this option by which time those other “selected” people had completed and returned their questionnaires.

The consultation was always going to be skewed in favour of Christchurch being taken over by Bournemouth.

It would seems this has all sewn up from the beginning.

There is a council meeting next week at Christchurch Civic Offices on Tuesday when a vote of no confidence in Cllr Nottage’s leadership of Christchurch Borough Council will be debated.

I understand there will be a protest outside beforehand.

Sue Bungey

Maundeville Crescent Christchurch

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