PRESIDENT of the EU Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has insinuated that the killing of a Polish man by a bunch of racist thugs in Essex last month is a consequence of our decision to vote for Brexit.

Yet another ridiculous assertion by the unelected, anglophobic, nonentity from Luxembourg.

Being an EU member has not prevented violent attacks between neo-Nazis and refugees in Germany this week. It hasn’t stopped Hungary from erecting anti-refugee fences along its borders. Nor has it stopped the French from persecuting women for dressing modestly on its beaches.

And the EU was lamentably ineffectual in dealing with the Balkans Conflict that raged across the territories of the former Yugoslavia for a decade from 1991 to 2001 in which some 150,000 died and 4 million people were displaced. It was the UNB that finally put an end to that genocide – not the European Union!

Britain’s record when it comes to helping and providing shelter for those fleeing from persecution speaks for itself and we do not need lecturing on human rights by Juncker or any of those self-serving half-wits in Brussels.

Juncker et al need reminding that if it wasn’t for this country, as unprepared as we were, standing up to the Nazis (and virtually alone for the first two years of World War ll) the streets of Luxembourg, Paris and most other European cities would be echoing to the sound of goose-stepping, jackbooted Nazis today!

Our ‘friends’ across The Channel need to get it through their heads that Britain is NOT anti-European – just most emphatically anti-EU.

Robert Readman

Norwich Avenue West, Bournemouth

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