THERE have been a number of letters concerning bonfires.

The problem is not that people do not talk to each other ‘over the garden fence’ anymore, it is about the inconsiderate beings who only think of themselves and not anyone else.

A nuisance bonfire need not be your immediate next door neighbour. It could be someone in the next road or sometimes further if the wind is in the direction of your house.

With our very unpredictable weather, washing needs to be out on the line whenever there is a break. On weekends and balmy evenings, families can enjoy get-togethers out in the fresh air.

Weekends, balmy evenings – when barbecues can be had – as well as general get-togethers with friends or family in the garden or children having much-needed activity out in the fresh air.

We do not want to be cooped up indoors with the windows shut.

Anyone sensible will light up a bonfire as it gets to dusk with evening light just starting to fade, barbecues smouldering down and kids off to bed.

It is not so much talking to each other ‘over the garden fence’ but using common sense – something I feel is lacking in so many people in this day and age.

My husband and I have never lit a bonfire before it starts to get dark. It is called being considerate.


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