I WOULD like to echo the comments made by Eileen Mann (June 10) and others previously regarding the public toilets in Poole.

The council do not seem to appreciate that the need for a toilet is a human need for everyone.

Like many people, I have a frequent need for such facilities.

This is fine when there are alternatives open, such as the Dolphin Centre or Lighthouse.

Last week, the Sainsbury’s toilets were out of use also.

Is it therefore a surprise that people “caught short” will find a secluded spot to relieve themselves?

I have recently returned from a cruise holiday, and the facilities in Portugal, Spain, and France were far superior and more plentiful than in the UK.

This never used to be the case and, no doubt, much of the expenditure is EU money.

The UK is now more of a Third World country than much of Western Europe.


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