OUR Prime Minister is doing his best to frighten us to vote to “Remain” in the EU on June 23 by threatening financial meltdown if we “Vote Leave”.

To this end he not only has the Chancellor of the Exchequer but also the Canadian Governor of the Bank of England singing his tune.

Even if this financial armageddon predicted were even halfway true, since when has our country put a price on freedom to be governed only by our elected fellow countrymen?

When Spain sent an Armada to subjugate us to rejoin the Holy Roman Empire we didn’t count the cost in repelling it and prospered mightily as a result.

When Napoleon planned to invade us to subjugate us into his new Empire we didn’t count the cost of defeating him.

When the Kaiser with dreams of a German Empire invaded France and Belgium we didn’t count the huge cost in blood and treasure to defeat him.

When a mere twenty years later Hitler attempted to succeed where the Kaiser had failed we again did not count the cost, with the aid of our allies and the Commonwealth, to defeat him.

Is it not extraordinary to have a British Prime Minister apparently obsessed with the financial costs, if indeed there are any?



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