ROBERT Readman (‘Do not interfere’, Letters April 23) needs to have, in my view, a better grasp of modern history before he comments in the way that he has on President Obama’s remarks advising the people of this country to stay in the European Union.

President Obama is not the president of some remote tin-pot dictatorship but president of the most powerful country in the world and of a country, without whose support in terms of military manpower and leadership, Europe would not have been liberated from Nazi domination.

Far better President Obama standing on the steps of number 10 Downing Street than some latter day version of Adolf Hitler; make no mistake about it, if D-Day on the June 6, 1944, had not happened, or if the outcome had been different, then quite certainly Robert Readman, or myself for that matter, would not be enjoying the freedom we currently have to write to your newspaper.

As to advice given by the president; that is what it was – advice from a friendly nation with which we claim to have a special relationship.


Craigmoor Avenue, Bournemouth

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