I HAVE been following the EU referendum over the previous months, listening to both sides and their somewhat exaggerated claims.

One of the them is the alleged £350 million per week we send to Europe (we don’t. After our rebate it’s much less) and how this money will go towards saving our precious NHS. Have people thought through this suggestion?

If we 'Brexit', there will be an ugly leadership battle within the Conservative party. Look at who will lead that challenge and who his supporters are: Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Jeremy Hunt, Iain Duncan Smith, Liam Fox. Even Farage from Ukip, who may well defect back to his roots.

All of these politicians have supported an insurance-based privatised healthcare system in the past. I cannot see them using any of our alleged savings on funding the NHS properly. No, I expect it will go on bombs, giving their mates corporate welfare or their own expenses, but not the NHS.

Another amusing exaggeration is the “take back control of our borders” claim. Well, we never lost control of our borders in the first place. We are not part of the Schengen agreement – that is why the refugee camp is in Calais and not Dover. Dover is where it will be if we Brexit because the French will just send them over to be our problem.

Finally, Conor Burns MP claims that the EU is eroding our freedoms, so tell me Mr Burns, what is your government doing with the trade union bill, Teresa Mays snoopers charter and TTIP? If that’s not directly attacking people’s freedoms, I don’t know what is.

In the end, I don’t know who to fear worst, the EU or a Brexit Britain run by Tories with a major privatisation agenda. Probably the latter, as workers will lose any employment rights given to us by Europe under them.

Either way, we are not being told the truth.

JANET WALL Kinson Rd, Bournemouth