THE Wareham in Bloom committee has decided that we will be entering the South and South East Britain in Bloom Competition again this year.

This means that a number of preparations have to be made so that we can aim for a gold medal and entry into Britain in Bloom.

After complaints from the public about the state of the South Bridge, it was decided to make that our priority project for the autumn.

Dorset County Council (DCC) informed us they had no money for work of this kind.

We turned to one of our foremost sponsors, Peter Andrews to help.

Conditions laid down by DCC were followed and in November 2015, Peter and his team arrived one morning at 6.30am with scrubbing brushes and a power washing vehicle to clean off the dirt, algae and lichen.

After two attempts to carry out the clean up, the bridge is looking far more respectable.

A second project was to clear the land behind St Martin’s Church.

Anvil Grounds Maintenance sponsored and carried out this work, clearing the area of weeds.

It is hoped that the area will be put down to grass and wild flowers sowed there in the spring.

David Watkins-Jones of Anvil and his team also maintain the Saxon Roundabout.

A team of Wareham in Bloom volunteers will be painting the railings surrounding the church.

The committee is hoping that a sponsor will assist in clearing the raised flowerbeds in Sainsbury’s precinct. The murals have also been washed down.

Our chairman was pleased to be invited to give a talk to interested parties in Swanage who want to set up a Swanage in Bloom committee.

ERIC OSMOND, chair and SUE ELMES, committee member Northport, Wareham