WHAT a brilliant letter from Matthew Knight in the Echo on Thursday August 27 – we should be proud to host Navitus Bay.

Highest marks to Mr Knight for the substance of the letter and the great punchy style.

And of course he is absolutely right on every count.

As if any government minister in the Department of Energy and Climate Change (and yes detractors, the government does recognise climate warming) is going to turn down Navitus when Brighton has just had approval for a 120-turbine farm “half the distance out to sea” as Navitus will be.

The opponents have done their worst, led by Cllr Beesley and MP Conor Burns.

The opponents have tried to persuade everyone that the turbines are “four times larger” than they actually are and will tower over headlands, when they of course will not.

They will be 13 miles out at sea – as others have said, from the shore they will be the size of match-sticks.

And of course no-one will ever hear them at that distance – however hard detractors try to contort some ultra explanation that any noise can have an impact at that distance – anymore than on Poole front we could hear aircraft noise over the water from Hurn and Christchurch last weekend.

It’s just too far away.

The farm will be so far out it will have exactly zero impact on tourism. The biggest reaction no doubt will be loud yawns along with “what turbines, where?”


Newfoundland Drive, Poole