J CLIFFORD’S otherwise laudable demand (Letters, September 27) that no one parks on any pavement anywhere at any time ignores reality.

Emergency vehicles occasionally do so, along with medical carers visiting patients.

Then there are the many roads in the borough not wide enough to allow those same emergency vehicles a safe passage if cars and vans are parked solely on the roads themselves.

Should all vehicles be banned from parking on one side of such roads?

Should residents be stopped from having cars if the parking ban is on their side of the road?

Do not forget that in some roads parking with two wheels on the pavement is quite legal, having been authorised by the local council.

Should those rules be rescinded?

Not all pavements are equal. Not all roads are equal.

One highways question that should be asked is why, after all the alterations to the junction of East Way with Castle Lane West, is there no audible signal for blind people crossing at the lights?

The pavements have the knobbly slabs leading to the kerbs, and there are push buttons that turn from red to green when vehicles have been halted by the traffic lights.

But what use are they to someone who cannot see the “green man” figures?

Perhaps Councillor Mark Andrews – chairperson of the environment and transport overview panel (phew!), has an answer.

ERIC HAYMAN, Bradpole Road, Bournemouth