I ATTENDED the Monday evening meeting of the Christchurch Citizens Association at which representatives of this association and The Christchurch Conservation Trust gave a presentation of the town centre strategy to 70 residents.

A lively discussion ensued on the details of this new strategy.

Many felt that the consultation process was rushed with a lack of information and only two weeks to send in comments.

There are no documents available to read just some display boards on show in the Regent Centre for this week and a comments form. Why the rush and why the reluctance to provide a document?

With a budget of £200,000 of taxpayers’ funds earmarked for this study surely we can have sufficient time to assess it and take something to read at home.

The previous town centre strategy consultation back in 2002/03 lasted for six weeks with ample time to view displays with informed persons on hand to answer questions.

Even more disconcerting is that our local councillors appear not to have been consulted and have had no input. In fact I cannot find a local group or any resident who was asked for input.

There are glaring omissions such as the future plans for the police station and magistrates court area plus the ‘Lanes’ development site adjacent to Druitt Gardens. Why no information?

The plan also includes 116 new one bedroom flats, no doubt for the better off. Why no low cost housing for the young?

One is left with the impression that a small inner circle of councillors and officials have provided the input to this study on the basis that they know what is good for us.

Why can’t local residents have initial input?

Can we please start using local consultants, not London based consultants, and involve the people who live in this area?

ROBIN GREY UKIP Parliamentary Candidate, Christchurch