IN TWENTY years I have never come across an account of a public issue which more defies human understanding than that given by Cllr Dion on the closure of Jubilee toilets.

On this councillor’s account we now have “more” toilets available now that Jubilee block, in use up to 400 times a day, has closed down.

The general public well know that they can use any supermarkets and cafes that have customer toilets, but now the council has stuck a “community toilets” label on the front of these outlets.

On this councillor’s thinking this makes these “extra toilets” that were not available before.

The truth and fact is the busy main Jubilee block is closed and there is not one more accessible toilet in Ashley Road than there was a year ago.

And add to this that Councillor Dion now has Jubilee toilets located in her words “at the end of Ashley Road”.

How the centre of Ashley Road now becomes the end of the road again defies all comprehension.

But then in the end all councillors, not just the portfolio holder, have failed us chronically on this whole matter.

Six non-scrutinising “scrutiny” councillors failed, recommending closure with no one critical question.

And ward Councillors Eades and Lepoidevin dismally failed, more intent on publicity for themselves than checking if the new scheme was viable.

And the leader of council, Elaine Atkinson, along with Councillor Dion, tell us to quote “there is no money” for public toilets – and this from the council that has put aside £80,000 for a new council limousine, to ferry the mayor and entourage around in plush luxury.

But then, perhaps not after next May, if more of the electorate will take note what goes on in councils and why we end with such outrageous decisions causing havoc to our communities.

JEFF WILLIAMS Jubilee Road, Parkstone