So a local shop was used as a brothel – does this mean that it has got to remain empty forever and a day, like some haunted house?

I went to a local Police Community meeting upon my return to Bournemouth after a lifetime away and was surprised to learn that there are several brothels in Bournemouth but the police (and the women representing local community groups) took a practical & sympathetic view.

The Police have a small unit of female officers to try & reduce the number of on street prostitutes, often male controlled due to their drug habit, and to watch out for “people trafficking”.

Personally, I feel that brothels are the least of our problems with the number of local paedophile court cases in the Echo, and nationally, allegedly involving Westminster politicians past & present.

Male pimps and paedophiles are basically bullies of those with fragile backgrounds and should be sought out and taken to court but local shop premises should not be “victimised”.

Peter Bingham, Wimborne Road, Bournemouth