I am amazed at those figures quoted in Mr Woodhouse’s (April 2) letter.

I knew we sent millions to areas where there was starvation, but the amounts have gone up and up and more countries are receiving these amounts apparently.

What I cannot understand is with some of the countries – babies are being born, suffering and dieing, but more babies are coming along only to suffer in the same way.

Education on contraception etc would surely be a priority.

How can we continue with these amounts of money going out of our coffers?

I believe the prime minister should be open and explain to the taxpayers exactly where these monies are going and exactly what they are being used for.

Would anyone send us help like this, if we end up in a bad state?

I do believe however, we should help those to have a better life, but a word from the government giving us all an idea of where our money is going.

Mrs S Vincent, Bournemouth