ARE they stark staring mad? £140,000 for traffic lights by a bridge in Stony Lane that nobody needs or wants.

It is a waste of taxpayers’ money in these cash-strapped times. I’ve lived in Burton for 33 years and I am certain they are totally unnecessary and of no benefit to anybody.

All it will achieve is to make a ‘rat run’ out of Salisbury Road so motorists can avoid them.

We have seen the effects already due to the recent closures of Stony Lane because of the flooding.

They try and justify it, of course, by wheeling out the usual suspects, children’s buggies and disability scooters.

I only ever see a couple of scooters around Burton, and they always use the roads.

They wouldn’t spend their own money on such a ridiculous scheme. This has to be stopped and let common sense prevail.

PETER BAXTER, Bodowen Close, Burton