I AM responding to the letter written by Mr Butcher in Tuesday’s Echo regarding my relationship with the Police and Crime Commissioner and my opposition to his proposed increase in the police precept of 1.95 per cent.

This will in turn lead to an increase being shown on council tax bills which will soon be landing on residents’ doormats.

Just for clarity I have the utmost respect for Martyn Underhill (the commissioner) and I have an excellent working relationship with him. I am sure he would say the same if asked.

It is very easy to say that putting up the precept by only 1.95 per cent is only a small amount and if that is the price of having effective policing then it is a price worth paying.

My belief is that it is possible to have effective policing without having any increase in the precept. It simply involves ensuring every possible efficiency and saving is squeezed out of back office functions enabling the frontline services to be effectively maintained.

Being one of Bournemouth council’s representatives on the panel which scrutinises Mr Underhill I (and my colleagues on the panel) have had the responsibility of closely examining the budgets being proposed for next year’s policing.

It is worth noting that I (along with my colleagues) have also had this responsibility for the council for the last few years and have had to deal with close on a 40 per cent reduction in grant from the Government, as well as having a whole new pile of responsibilities put on us.

For three years now there has been no increase in council tax while front line services have been maintained. We are hoping to do the same for next year.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that it is quite feasible to maintain frontline policing without having an increase in the precept. My colleagues from Bournemouth on the scrutiny panel agree with my position.

Mr Butcher goes on to ask if I have bothered to seek the opinion of the people who have voted. There was a thing that occurred a couple of years ago called a local election. I stood along with my Conservative colleagues on a ticket of doing all we could to prevent any increase in council tax. It is our intention to uphold our promise to the electorate and do just that.

CLLR DAVID SMITH, Bournemouth council representative on the police and crime panel