I HAVE to disagree with Mr Pattison in his letter about ruining Poole Quay (‘Big marina will ruin town quay’, Letters August 8).

He quite rightly says visiting boats used to lay five abreast on the Quay in the summer, but this was only in a small area and the most that the Quay could accommodate was about 100 visiting vessels.

The rest of the Quay was well used by commercial vessels and paddle steamers overnight on the Quay.

Poole Quay is evolving. The paddle steamers and commercial ships no longer visit Poole and so the Harbour Commissioners need to provide more facilities for visiting yachtsmen and it’s these people who use the town’s restaurants, shops and all the support businesses in the town.

A larger area of sheltered moorings in the Quay area will bring trade to the town as well as providing berthing facilites for cruise ships all of which will bring trade to the town.

Now is the time to build a large sheltered marina in Poole.

It’s unfortunate it was not built a few years ago when the present yacht haven was built.

ANDREW HAWKES, High Street, Poole