FOLLOWING a recent traumatic incident that occurred to our family whilst holidaying in Spain, I would like to make your readers of an apparently common theft technique practised by a number of gangs who commonly target tourists in hire cars visiting the big cities. Whilst driving towards Barcelona, we were alerted to a flat tyre by a passing scooter rider. After pulling over to change the wheel, we were distracted by another person on a scooter whilst an accomplice crouched down behind the car and proceeded to remove my handbag, which contained a large amount of cash, a credit card, my mobile phone and our passports.

This was upsetting enough, but although the Spanish Police were very helpful and efficient towards us, we were given incorrect information relating to travelling without passports and arrived at the airport without necessary documentation which we should have obtained from the British Consulate.

Consequently we were initially refused entry onto the plane and had it not been for a very helpful and compassionate lady at Bournemouth Airport Border Control (thank you again!) and the persistence and calm authority of my partner we would have had to spend at least another 24 hours in Spain at great expense, largely not covered by travel insurance.

I would advise anyone about to travel abroad to check the advice pertinent to that area and to keep your valuables and your wits about you at all times.

BETH TURNER, Maxwell Road, Bournemouth