CLLR Filer is completely misguided if he thinks he's going to transform Bournemouth into a ‘Centre for Cycling’.

His map showing proposed cycling routes ‘over the next five years’ has no financial backing either from national government or through local budget allocations. They are pipe dreams with no substance.

Even if he succeeds in implementing them, he faces the main problem in getting more people cycling – the roads are simply too frightening for all but the most confident cyclist.

The huge numbers of children, mothers, grandparents who would like to be able to cycle the mile or two to the local shops aren’t able to as they are scared. Scared to cycle to school, scared to cycle to work. Scared to be allowed to play outside and prevent obesity and other disease simply by having an environment that allows play.

We have robbed an entire generation.

Until local government addresses the problem of arterial traffic using residential roads we won’t see an end to it. Until we really prioritise people over cars we will continue to be in thrall to them and suffer the incredibly serious issues of congestion, pollution and sedentary disease.

People have to decide to use bikes and buses over cars because we’ve made it easier to use them.

This isn’t just about bikes – it’s about creating a truly pleasant environment to live in.

MIKE CHALKLEY, Cowper Road, Bournemouth