I HAVE owned five dogs during my lifetime (up to now), everyone living to a minimum of 14-and-a-half years of age. I currently own a spaniel, so I am not a member of the anti-dog brigade.

I read many letters in the Echo from people complaining about irresponsible dog owners not cleaning up after their pets, (Hengistbury Head being by far the worst area I have encountered this) and I must admit I agree with these complainers totally.

The solution I have to this very serious problem is perfectly simple, introduce a bye law saying all dogs must be on a lead at all times and in all places.

Anybody wanting their dog to run around or chase balls etc, can use an extendable lead, which allows all this, yet still enables the owner to keep their pet under full control.

Then they could not use the perennial excuse when challenged “I did not see my dog do that”.

When I walk my dog in various parks and beaches in Bournemouth, I see people with two, three, sometimes four dogs, all running loose.

How on earth can they control their dogs or see where they are fouling.

My dog is very old and slow and has been attacked more than once, and if you complain you are met with a lot of abuse.

If anyone can find fault with my idea or has a better solution, I look forward to reading them on these pages.

Perhaps a councillor could air their views on this problem and say if my idea could be implemented.