I WAS astonished to read (Daily Echo, 24 June) that the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Philip Stanley-Watts, has described the bus-hub at Gervis Place (aka Bournemouth Bus Station) as a complete shambles.

No flies on our councillors are there? Most of us have been well aware of that fact for more than a decade.

The council spent god-only-knows how much money transforming The Square into a pedestrian oasis – only to allow it to be polluted by a log-jam of buses for the greater part of the day.

Referring to the council's better-late-than-never proposal to compulsorily purchase the NCP car park in Exeter Road in order to build a new bus hub on the site, the Deputy Mayor says the plans need to be looked at very closely.

But it's time to stop procrastinating and pussy-footing around and just get on with it. We don't want this issue developing into another Imax farce.

ROBERT READMAN, Norwich Avenue West, Bournemouth