I'M afraid it is the wind farm enthusiasts and adherents to the cult of ‘man-made global warming' such as LibDem Tony Trent and Tony Hamilton (Agenda 21) who are getting things out of proportion (Letters, June 20).

‘Fracking' or the extraction of shale gas could, subject to proper environmental safeguards, offer this country a secure, inexpensive and long term energy future.

It is very much in the interests of the wind farm lobby to throw around emotive terms such as 'earthquakes' and ‘landslips', to scare people away from the idea, because it is the single biggest threat to their whole man-made climate change/wind turbine scam.

Leave UK energy policy to people such as these and Britain's lights will start going out very soon. Perhaps they would also like to explain to those millions now living in fuel poverty, why their energy bills have been increased by hundreds of pounds a year in order to subsidise the offshore corporations promoting windfarms such as Navitus Bay.

JOHN BUTLER, Chairman, UKIP Poole & Mid-Dorset