HOW I agree with the comments from Elaine Attfield in Tuesday’s Echo.

We moved to Ferndown two and a half years ago and were over the moon that the area was so smart for us and our many visitors, especially those from where we used to live in Chatham, Kent.

How things have changed and unfortunately not for the better. East Dorset District Council appears intent on making the area look anything but smart.

The verges are a continual disgrace and even when they are cut, they look a mess with little if any care taken in the process.

Our councillors should visit Devon where they appear to be able to find money to keep the road verges, even on busy dual carriageways, smart and clear of rubbish.

Come on East Dorset District Council, stop wasting money on pet projects and get our area looking smart again.

PETER LEGG, Tricketts Lane, Ferndown