AS a possible epilogue to the letters from Alan Burridge (May 24) and John Robinson (June 3), I would like to show what can happen with the new anticoagulation slip system. I had my INR test on Tuesday May 28.

As no telephone call came, and the result was not known, I continued with my dosage as normal. However, as the weekend had arrived without the slip result, I resolved to contact Poole Hospital on Monday, June 3.

During the weekend a near neighbour, who had been on holiday, brought the correctly addressed slip to me hoping that it was not important.

Imagine my surprise when I opened the slip to find that I had a higher INR result and the dosage had been lowered. I had been taking too many tablets for four days, which could have been serious, but fortunately was not.

I wonder how frequently this will occur?

SHEILA EXTANCE, Blandford Road, Poole