I would like to correct and explain the figure of £1.3million quoted by Philip Whitelegg (£833 per loo every week (May 29).

The amount is not based on the cost of cleaning and day-to-day maintenance of all Poole’s 30 public toilets but is an estimate of the much greater cost of carrying out all the building refurbishment works needed in order to keep the toilets safe and functional for public use over the next 10 years. This is why the council is exploring new ways of funding this requirement such as the Community Toilet Scheme in Broadstone which, by working with local businesses and community organisations, will actually increase the number and quality of toilets available.

The weekly running costs of Poole’s public toilets is £200. That includes staff hours to open, lock-up and clean as well as the costs of soap, toilet rolls, electricity, water, sewage, general wear and vandalism repairs.

This compares very favourably with other local authority providers in terms of value for money.

Councillor Xena Dion, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Consumer Protection Services