I AM sure that many of your readers have seen, or been involved in the worsening traffic situation when leaving the Royal Bournemouth Hospital complex.

Deansleigh Road has to cater for the traffic demands of the hospital, courts, a hotel and the businesses on the site. All this traffic has to enter and exit via one junction with Castle Lane West.

I attend the Bournemouth Heart Club; this is situated at the very back of the hospital in the service road.

Increasingly, at peak times, it takes over 25 minutes to travel from the Heart Club to the Castle Lane junction.

When Castle Lane is affected by higher traffic volumes, it can take longer – my personal record is 1 hour and 40 minutes to the junction!

I only visit weekly, but for staff and regular visitors it must be a nightmare.

It is now too easy for this complex to become totally gridlocked and it is time the road layout was reviewed.

Traffic leaving from the rear of Deansleigh Road has to surrender priority to all traffic coming from the right at TWO roundabouts; this includes traffic entering the hotel, all traffic leaving from the main hospital car park, out-patients and numerous buses leaving the hospital bus stop.

All traffic leaving the service road has to surrender priority to traffic coming from the left.

I am informed that some ‘enterprising’ eastbound drivers use the hospital as a shortcut by using the hospital lane and the first roundabout, then turning left at the traffic lights so they avoid the queues in the two main lanes!

There should always have been an intersection with the A338. This would take both northbound and southbound traffic away from Castle Lane and Cooper Dean roundabout.

Consideration must be given to another exit before this situation becomes intolerable!

NIGEL CUBITT, Talbot Village, Bournemouth