WE had been on holiday and came more than 1,000 miles by bus, air, bus, train, and bus to Poole Crematorium for the funeral of my twin sister, Mrs Joan Ballard.

The most dangerous and frightening bit of the journey was the last 100 yards from the final bus stop to the Crematorium itself.

We got off the bus and were faced with a very busy major road.

The bus driver saw our plight and suggested that we go to the nearby roundabout and use the pedestrian crossing there, but the driver must have had another roundabout in mind.

The only sensible option was to go back to the bus stop, get on the next bus, and go home, but by our bravery or stupidity, take your pick, we did cross to the centre, where the driver of a big articulated lorry took pity on us, and stopped to enable us to cross the last bit.

Having got to the right side of the road, we then find that there is no footpath to the Crematorium. Clearly, pedestrians aren't welcome.

DAVID STONEBANKS, Chequers Bridge Road, Stevenage, Herts